Wednesday, February 28, 2007
How Cute?

How cute are these bunnies from (my new fave) The Black Apple and these bundled up guys , Olive & Archie, from Wee Wonderfuls? Also, check out the Wee Wonderfuls' Make-a-Long Story short.
Past cute [albeit random] image taken from a place I can't remember. But if anyone else does, please let me know!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
On My Radar

Very futuristic headphones from Vibe by v-moda.
Sandre Lurche Faces Down
The Black Donnellys
Monday, February 26, 2007
On My Radar

Silver and metallics that are flashy, yet tasteful. I cannot afford ANY of these items, but they are oh-so-pretty.
First mention: the Fendi Crossword Grande Mirrored Bag. I hope it comes with a disclaimer to not use during the day. Some people need to be told.

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Last Night
Lava Gina international crowd, Afro-beat music and a Bollywood movie playing on white painted brick wall. CROWDED and small. Had more alcohol on my right arm than I did in my mouth. But it was nice.
7A ate a turkey club with amazing fries. Met a Keith, who sat at the table next to me & Val, who was mad funny. "Thinking of a master plan..."
Friday, February 23, 2007
On My Radar
Bruce Springsteen - The River
Yaz - Only You
Old 97's - The New Kid
Spoon - I Turn My Camera On
iConcertCal at It's the OhMyRockness equivalent, but more for bigger venues. (Through iConcertCal I saw OK GO & Snow Patrol are going to perform at MSG and I want to go, but...) OhMyRockness is better with the indie bands and smaller music venues.
Techy-gadgets I saw on, which I'd LOVE to own. The Sony Viao UX390 and this adorable Zink mobile printer. I don't need either of them, but aren't they cool?
Love any of these guys? Brandon Routh, Denis Leary, Jeremy Piven...Check out videos from the Cosmopolitan's Fun Fearless Male Awards in New York City.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Come Fly With Me...and try to follow
One of my jobs, Flight 001, was featured in my Sheckys newsletter. Yay, F1! Speaking of, a bit dated, but you must check out Mr. Johnson in New York mag's Ask a Shop Clerk. Which reminds me that you should ALSO check out his band's (INOUK) MySpace music page. (Okay, I'm done with the ADD rave)
Purchases of the day from Duane Reade - Tums for my chronically pained stomach, Excedrin for the daily 3pm headaches, Puffs tissue for whatever, and 8 birthday cards when I only needed one.
Another plus, the free meal of my choice from Chipotle for the 34th Street location.
I once got a t-shirt from there and a Chipotle bag with a handle. I was more excited about the bag with the handle.UGLY BETTY'S on tonight!! (Actually, no it's not) :( Well, at least I get to watch MY NAME IS EARL. I usually miss out on that and THE OFFICE (I :heart: Jim) because I live in the dark ages and don't own a DVR.
On My Radar

David Lachapelle's latest Heaven to Hell. Look at this amazingly gorgeous shot of Angelina Jolie...
Lachapelle is pretty f---ing terrific
LISTEN UP Internet radio keeps me sane at work...
- I've listened to everything from Eisley to Beach Boys, indie pop to motown, and I love, love, love it.
- A more recent discovery is one Paste mag's site where B52's Rock Lobster played and more.
- OhMyRockness is OhMyWonderful. Along with having radio they list shows and venues for Manhattan and Brooklyn and showcase their top indie rock bands.
Seek a Geek
Jesse sent me a link to Geek Date, which is a blog entry by a woman in New York who is going to the Comic Con at Javits Center this weekend to seek a geek. I was not at ALL offended by the forward, but I jokingly asked him if he was trying to tell me something. More than anything, I thought it was an ingenious idea; I like geeky guys as much as the next gal! In fact, I think I have more in common with them than some straight-shooting business man who loves to golf. (Not that there is anything wrong with that guy either.) The blogger mentions attending the Comic Con would be like "shooting fish in a barrel," and she's sure to bag a date. I am intrigued to see what comes of this. Friends, do not worry, I am not going to Comic Con...yet. :D
Update: I just visited the Comic Con's Buffy's 10th anniversary and Nicholas Brendan's going to be there among other notables such as Stephen Colbert (funny, funny man), David Arquette (whom I love, but I don't really care for his new series IN CASE OF EMERGENCY), and Hayden Panettiere from my absolute most FAVORITE show of the moment, HEROES (after UGLY BETTY, of course). Maybe I should go. It really sounds like something I'd like. However, I don't think I could go alone. Maybe next year.Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Got It, Flaunt It
I recently received my order from Etsy from The Black Apple, which I must share because they are so freaking cute!