Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I have to leave in about 10 minutes, but I had to write about this douche bag, Kenneth Eng, who calls himself the Asian Supremacist and was recently fired for his racist antics. His former employee, AsianWeek, has a public apology on their homepage for first irresponsibly publishing the piece that states why Eng hates black people and then for employing an ignorant ass like Eng. He's also written columns titled "Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us" and "Why I Hate Asians," so this asshole apparently hates everyone - including himself. Oddly enough, he's a New York-based contributor. He lives in a city that is built on diversity and he writes such an appalling column. Again, what a douche bag and shame on AsianWeek for not putting a lid on him sooner. Oh, well, it's Eng's grave.