Thursday, February 22, 2007

Come Fly With Me...and try to follow

One of my jobs, Flight 001, was featured in my Sheckys newsletter. Yay, F1! Speaking of, a bit dated, but you must check out Mr. Johnson in New York mag's Ask a Shop Clerk. Which reminds me that you should ALSO check out his band's (INOUK) MySpace music page. (Okay, I'm done with the ADD rave)

Purchases of the day from Duane Reade - Tums for my chronically pained stomach, Excedrin for the daily 3pm headaches, Puffs tissue for whatever, and 8 birthday cards when I only needed one.

Another plus, the free meal of my choice from Chipotle for the 34th Street location.

I once got a t-shirt from there and a Chipotle bag with a handle. I was more excited about the bag with the handle.

UGLY BETTY'S on tonight!! (Actually, no it's not) :( Well, at least I get to watch MY NAME IS EARL. I usually miss out on that and THE OFFICE (I :heart: Jim) because I live in the dark ages and don't own a DVR.